Medical Marijuana in the Clinic

Physicians at the Partners Multiple Sclerosis Center prescribe medical marijuana to help alleviate pain and reduce spasticity


The Importance of Being Known: Incorporating SO/GI Data into Patient Care

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that electronic health records must now include the option to designate patients’ sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI).


BWHers Discuss Promise, Progress of Genomics at Understand Your Genome event

BWH investigators and leaders from across industry and academia came together for Boston's "Understand Your Genome" (UYG) conference.


What’s New in Research

Shrinking Tumors with an RNA Triple-Helix Hydrogel Glue; Treating rare brain tumors; understanding neuronal cell death; when doctors in training graduate; A Fluorescent Mini-Microscope for Biomedicine


BWH Celebrates Women in Medicine and Science

Fourth annual Women in Medicine & Science Symposium honors the contributions of women physicians and researchers.


Two SCAMPs Shed Light on How to Improve Care for Kidney Failure and Chest Pain

With the goal of developing guidelines for standardizing and improving care, SCAMPs facilitate the collection and analysis of clinician decision data in areas where there is variation in clinical practice.


Next Generation: Hacking Health Care

Joao Ribas, a PhD student and research fellow shares his perspective on the 2015 Brigham Innovation Hub’s Hackathon.


Addressing the Need for Mental Health Innovation

Brian Mullen, PhD, innovation strategy manager of the Brigham Innovation Hub, addresses the need for improvements in mental health innovation.


What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

As 2015 draws to a close, we asked our community to share their resolutions for 2016


Q&A with Jessica Dudley, MD

Dudley shares professional advice and reflects on her own career development.


Call to Action from Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology Catalyzes Change

Recent policy advances demonstrate that the center’s Call to Action to address gender inequity in biomedical research has been an important catalyst for progress.


Comings, Goings and Promotions

Bill Churchill, MS, RPh; John Fanikos, MBA, RPh


Partners Biobank Provides Genomic Data on 5,000 Subjects

BWH investigators now have free access to rich resource of genomic data


BCRISP: Brigham’s Cutting-Edge Approach to Innovation

An article in the Harvard Business Review reveals how BWH promotes innovation through BCRISP.