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photo of the cover of the Lessons learned in the care of patients bookLessons Learned in the Care of Patients: A Rheumatologist’s Perspective

Brigham Author: Ronald Anderson, MD

As a master clinician teacher in the Department of Medicine, Ronald Anderson, MD, has observed over 200 medical residents and rheumatology fellows as they cared for patients. This monograph is the product of over five decades of involvement in clinical teaching and patient care, predominantly at the Brigham. The book offers a unique, critical reflection upon the process of taking medical histories, performing physical exams and interacting with patients.



Autonomic Testing

Brigham Author: Peter Novak, MD, PhDAutonomic testing by Peter Novak book cover

Disorders associated with dysfunction of the nervous system are quite common, yet frequently go unrecognized. The quantitative autonomic testing presented in Autonomic Testing is a tool to evaluate these disorders. Written by Peter Novak, MD, PhD, chief of the Autonomic Neurology Division, this book deals with the practical aspects of autonomic testing. It comprises 100 unique case studies that address specific clinical questions, including neurally mediated syncope, psychogenic pseuodosyncope, orthostatic intolerance syndromes, autonomic failure, a variety of small fiber neuropathies (with and without autoimmunity), and autonomic dysfunction in neurodegenerative and hypermobile disorders. The book also features detailed signal drawings. It is an optimal guide for autonomic fellows, residents in neurology, general medicine and other specialties, or for anyone interested in performing and interpreting autonomic tests. This book is unique in its use of skin biopsies for assessment of small autonomic and sensory fibers as a routine part of autonomic testing. It also explores the use of continuous cerebral blood flow velocity and end tidal CO2 monitoring in addition to standard heart rate and blood pressure recordings during autonomic testing.


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