On May 30, 2015, BWH will transition to Partners eCare, our new Epic-based electronic health record system. Once live, this new system will assist physicians, nurses, health professionals, administrators and front-line staff in delivering more seamless, coordinated care across all Partners settings and providers, while enabling our patients and families to more actively engage as partners in their care.

Registration for training classes will begin in December and will be ongoing through February. Managers will be working with staff to schedule their training sessions, which will be held in late March through May. Training is mandatory for all BWH staff who will be using the new system.

If you have questions about Partners eCare and how it may impact you, visit the new Partners eCare @BWHC Information Center, located on the Pike near the Shapiro bridge. The center will be open through July 2015 and will be staffed regularly, with hours and special events posted weekly. The center features informational videos and workstations where you can log on at any time to view Partners eCare demos.

Contact AskBWHCeCare@partners.org with questions.